Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

Cancer molecular mechasnisms

Coordinator: Xosé R.Bustelo/ Co-coordinator: Jesús Paramio

This program brings together the efforts of 10 research groups who, through the use of both bioinformatic and experimental research resources, aim to gain a better understanding of the oncogenic elements and biological programs that determine the origin, malignant progression, and therapeutic response of the most relevant tumors from an epidemiological perspective in the Spanish population. The expected results of our coordinated research project include the identification and validation of key agents in these processes and the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic tools.

Specific scientific objectives within the program:

- Characterize genetic and non-genetic mechanisms that determine the initiation (transition from preneoplastic stages to tumors), evolution, and therapeutic response of tumor types, both those covered and not covered, in the tumor-specific programs of CIBERONC.

- Develop new diagnostic tools and therapies based on previous studies.

Transversal objectives:

- Serve as a platform for technical, methodological, and experimental support to the other clinical programs of CIBERONC, with the aim of facilitating the development of their scientific projects in their more mechanistic aspects.

- Facilitate the interconnection of CIBERONC with other areas of CIBER, particularly in the molecular approach to mechanisms affecting comorbidities associated with specific cancer types or side effects of anti-tumor treatments in healthy tissues.


Main ResearcherConsortium InstitutionRegions
Xosé R. Bustelo Centro de Investigación del Cáncer Castilla y León
Anna Bigas Hospital del Mar Cataluña
Jesús M. Paramio Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas Madrid
Carlos López Otín Universidad de Oviedo Asturias
Alberto Muñoz Instituto de Investigación Alberto Sols Madrid
Eugenio Santos Centro de Investigación del Cáncer Castilla y León
Piero Crespo Instituto de Biomedicina y Biotecnología de Cantabria Cantabria
Arkaitz Carracedo BIOGUNE País Vasco
Joan Seoane Instituto de Investigación Oncológica Vall d'Hebron Cataluña
Nuria López Bigas Instituto de Recerca Biomédica (IRB-Barcelona) Barcelona